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Ursprünglich ein Klezmerstück, auch im Original mit dem Thema Glückwunsch zum Fest. Unser neuer Text bejubelt das Hochzeitspaar (Romeo und Julia).

cheerio cheerio lift up your glass / Romeo and Juliet - cheerio // cheerio cheerio two more cheers in stereo / Juliet and Romeo cheers for the heroes of this show // cheerio cheerio lift up your glass business class / Romeo and Juliet cheers from our studio quartet

Mektup (String Vibration)

Ursprünglich ein türkisches Volksmusik-Stück, Mektup (Brief)  kommt vom arabischen Maktub - geschrieben. Maktub bedeutet auch, dass das Schicksal schon vorbestimmt ist. Unser neuer Text beschreibt die Figuren aus verschiedenen Sciencefiction- und Verschwörungstheorie-Filmen: Diese sind göttergleiche Vertreter einer übergeordneten Macht, die unsere als objektiv wahrgenommene Welt programmieren. In Wirklichkeit gibt es - gemäss den aufgeschlossensten Physikern unserer Zeit - in einer einzigen Theorie für alle Phänomene der Welt nur verschieden schwingende Strings, die dann scheinbar als Teilchen erscheinen: Photonen, Gravitonen, Quarks. Wie also die Veden schon seit Jahrtausenden sagen: kein Raum, keine Zeit, kein Gott, kein Selbst - alles bloss Täuschung. Das einzig Wirkliche ist Schwingung, also Musik.

follow the matrix track meet the men in black // space is but an illusion made up by our mind / matter nuclear fusion emptiness combined // string vibration and music that's the only truth / magnetism and mouse clicks just a kind of blues // freely floating planets and moons programmed by cosmic love / well dressed women playing bassoon they are the general staff // string vibration and music that's the only truth / gravitation and joysticks just a kind of blues

Skopje City

Ein mazedonisches Kunstlied, ursprünglich ein Liebeslied eines Fährmanns auf dem Ohridsee. Unser neuer Text beschreibt eine Romanze beim Tanzen.

dancing romancing your head on my shoulder / night could be cold but I hold you tight / dancing romancing music around us / sweet love had found us on that breathtaking night // dance with me dance like we did that evening / when we were together in the april rain / music was playing poor heart was beating / looking at each other hoping you would stay // when I asked you for a dance you gave me a charming smile / it took me a little while to understand

Dunjezute (Jasmine Wondergirl)

Ursprünglich ein Volkslied aus Kroatien, dunje žute ist eine gelbe (reife) Quitte. Unser neuer Text beschreibt eine unvergessliche, unwiederbringliche romantische Begegnung auf einer Reise mit der Eisenbahn, den vollen Herzschmerz.

once upon a voyage I met her in that first class carriage / her speech so full of noblesse I missed to check her address / she got off in Lyon she blew a kiss and said I see you / so that - I must now write - was love at first sight // many years have passed by remembering jasmine and the black eyes / each time I take that railway I hope for a replay / I recall her radiance from just an atom of her fragrance / oh Lord it‘s like a skydive our love must wait for next life // lazy I let you go you no name bird jasmine wondergirl / crazy I miss you so will never ever find my pearl

Bubamara (Ladybird)

Ursprünglich ein traditionelles Roma-Stück, das im ganzen Balkan in verschiedenen Versionen zu hören ist. Unser neuer Text ist entstanden aus Kinderreimen, die überall auf der Welt Ähnliches beschreiben: eine Katastrophe (bei uns ein Vulkanausbruch) kommt, ein Kind versteckt sich, um sich zu retten, und die Marienkäfer oder Maikäfer fliegen aus.

fly away fly away / ladybird ladybird / fly away from home // Annie's farm is on fire / Ararat's peak explodes / black clouds mounting higher / smoke around the globe // icicles keep raining / Annie's sheep get drowned / mudslides flood the plain and / magma streams downtown // red hot stones from the sky / in ponds and lakes and seas / Annie's mother is crying / ashes dry the tears // bursting thunders farther / Ararat's slopes are dark / Annie carries her mother / up to Noah's ark

Orexi (I Need To Eat Some Meat)

Ursprünglich ein Klezmerstück, Kali Orexi = guten Appetit auf griechisch; vielleicht ist ja eher das Gegenteil Anorexie = Magersucht bekannt. In unserem neuen Text geht es um Lust auf Fleisch, im ganzen Balkan unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen erhältlich (Cevapčići, Souvlakia, Siskebap).

I think of spicy rice with mutton eyes / please give me wild geese peas and cottage cheese / a shake of cornflakes steaks and chocolate cakes / I‘m in a good mood if I get a soup // I take some T-Rex‘ eggs with chicken legs / my hope a coke some roast goat on a toast / some dips of pigs‘ ribs chips and Venus‘ figs / I‘m in a good mood if I get a fruit // I want Cevapčići Souvlakia Siskebap / or else I gonna shout out loud / Cevapčići Souvlakia Siskebap / I need to eat some meat

Frangosyriani (Who Are You)

Ursprünglich ein ein griechisches Volksmusikstück. Unser neuer Text behandelt das Thema: Wer bin ich, was bleibt, wenn ich alles Äusserliche, alle Rollen weglasse, was ist der Kern des Menschen: selber die Welt gestalten und das Absolute suchen, ein leicht esoterischer Trip.

tell me sister who are you / are you Muslim are you Jew / tell me sister who are you / are you passenger or crew / tell me sister who are you / are you happy are you blue // I‘m a singer in a band / a tourist crumbed with sand / I‘m a rider on the storm / I‘m an actor on a stage / a wizard and a sage / playing roles since I‘ve been born / I‘m a father to my sons / a trapper draped with guns / I‘m a spider in a swarm / I‘m a winner in a game / a cad of fishy fame / making worlds until reborn

Hasret (Birth Blood & Breath)

Ursprünglich ein traditionelles türkisches Lied, Hasret bedeutet Sehnsucht. Unser neuer Text beleuchtet die Suche nach dem Anfang, dem Ursprung des Universums und allen Seins, nach allen unbeantworteten Fragen.

searching far beyond the galaxies / birth blood and breath / darkness and death / tasting the seeds of our world // inspiration / meditation / it's a magic journey to your self // incarnation / destination / it's a mystery of time and space

Robotnik (Heroes Of Work)

Ursprünglich ein ein Partisanenlied aus Polen: Abschied von der Geliebten vor der Verabredung mit den Waffenbrüdern im Wald. Unser neuer Text ist allen Workaholics gewidmet, den Helden der Arbeit, die an unseren Konzerten nicht mittanzen können. Hier also die Antworten des Arbeitssüchtigen auf die scheuen Anfragen seiner Ehefrau.

leave me alone I am working / tell them we won‘t come tonight / sorry I‘m gone for a meeting / no sex my love I am tired / maybe we go out tomorrow / can‘t you see I have to do // no fun no pleasure no beauty / no one could help me don‘t try / please understand it‘s my duty / heroes of work never die // heroes of work heroes of work heroes of work never die / or they commit or they commit suicide

für Poesiefans: alle Lyrics von Balkan Express

Brala Jana Kapini (Thema - märchenhafte Kirschenküsse): every time I kiss her I wanna scream / give me give me more cherries and cream / snow-white tell me more fairytales / how I miss your wild berries / my honey's kisses taste of cherries and cream / rose-red tell me more fairytales / can't resist you ma chérie / so give me give me more cherries and cream // purple lips of fresh cherries / crimson dips in red berries

Bubamara (Thema - Vulkanausbruch): fly away fly away / ladybird ladybird / fly away from home // Annie's farm is on fire / Ararat's peak explodes / black clouds mounting higher / smoke around the globe // icicles keep raining / Annie's sheep get drowned / mudslides flood the plain and / magma streams downtown // red hot stones from the sky / in ponds and lakes and seas / Annie's mother is crying / ashes dry the tears // bursting thunders farther / Ararat's slopes are dark / Annie carries her mother / up to Noah's Ark

Cheerio (Thema - hoch lebe das Paar): cheerio cheerio lift up your glass / Romeo and Juliet - cheerio // cheerio cheerio two more cheers in stereo / Juliet and Romeo cheers for the heroes of this show // cheerio cheerio lift up your glass business class / Romeo and Juliet cheers from our studio quartet

Dacia (Thema - Nosferatu-Film): horses at night clattering on cobblestone / carts with coffins and soil leaving Transylvania / ho young girls beware the bloody teeth of bat-man / who foresees the voyage of the maniac // midnight Sissy sleeps she didn't hear the beastly creature / who besieged the weeny village seeking victims for it's greed / Sissy screams she feels the teeth the freezing lips the skinny fingers / she is squeezed her spirits leave the bleeding ceases rest in peace // who can stop the caravan of Dracula // Sissy is a teeny in a weeny village / in a windmill in a steep descending street / she enjoys to drink a tea - feel the sea-breeze on her skin / meet the fisherwomen near the village inn // Sissy is religious with a deep belief in Jesus / she did a pilgrimage to Francis of Assisi / she resists the silly city with its kinky dinky mistresses / seducing little pissers dealing kisses // who can stop the caravan of Dracula

Dunjezute (Thema - immer nach der Handynummer fragen): once upon a voyage I met her in that first class carriage / her speech so full of noblesse I missed to check her address / she got off in Lyon she blew a kiss and said I see you / so that - I must now write - was love at first sight // many years have passed by remembering jasmine and the black eyes / each time I take that railway I hope for a replay / I recall her radiance from just an atom of her fragrance / oh lord it's like a skydive our love must wait for next life // lazy I let you go you no name bird jasmine wondergirl / crazy I miss you so will never ever find my pearl

Enough (Thema - Luxusprobleme): I’m so depressed unnerved and stressed / just got too many shoes got too many shirts got too many socks what a lot of treasured trash / where shall I put all my guitars and cars I need more space for a fireplace for my collections carpets works of art a vaster base in the cyberspace // enough enough enough enough / just got too many shoes got too many shirts got too many socks what a lot of treasured trash / let’s give away all my guitars and cars eliminate all my plates and skates drop all the lux’ry problems stop distress remorse allows just a tiny house // enough enough enough enough

Evira (Thema - Segelhissen und Fischerheimkehr): we sail into the rising sun / the wind is blowing strong / I know that I will soon be home / it’s where my heart belongs // we sail into the rising sun / no place I’d rather be / I know that I will soon be home / she’s waiting there for me // it’s one for all that I love / it’s two for all that I need / it’s three for all that I want // evira evira evira mia ke dhio / evira evira na pame sto chorio

Fissouni (Thema - Parzival im Internet): riding through the bits an byted deserts of the cyberspace / a dozen avatars in the jungle of the world wide maze / which castle do they conquer for their king / which damsel are they courting when they sing / they shatter trojan horses / delete spam virus‘ sources // all those virtual bogs cleared by the vassals of Camelot

Frangosyriani (Thema - esoterische Rollenspiele): tell me sister who are you / are you Muslim are you Jew / tell me sister who are you / are you passenger or crew / tell me sister who are you / are you happy are you blue // I'm a singer in a band / a tourist crumbed with sand / I'm a rider on the storm / I'm an actor on a stage / a wizard and a sage / playing roles since I've been born // I'm a father to my sons / a trapper draped with guns / I'm a spider in a swarm / I'm a winner in a game / a cad of fishy fame / making worlds until reborn

Girls (Thema - Extrem und Mittelweg): Nora is an atheist no angels and no future / while emptiness fills Monica who meditates on zen / and Barbara gets horny watching masochistic torture / whereas Alice is a feminist her enemies all men // Mathilda feels depressed she’s a victim who’s the traitor / Fatma’s revolution bombs should change what we believe / Carmen drives ferrari deals with African dictators / Ruth is an ascetic no compassion just naive // girls - why don’t you steer a middle course / why not adopt the golden mean / are you afraid to find the source

Grastuno (Thema - Jugendliebe): sitting on the old town wall / waiting for the sunset ball / I know this place from former days / long years ago // here I was sitting as a boy / full of joy / I've come back from far away / and I wish I could stay // sunset hour with all the power / fills my heart with love and longing / music and all the beauty / let me always think of you // what has become of you / our sweet love is like a tattoo / I just feel as if you're by my side / when I close my eyes // sitting on the old town wall / light-years ago / oh my darling did you know / that you taught me how to love

Hasret (Thema - Ursprung des Lebens): searching far beyond the galaxies / birth blood and breath / darkness and death / tasting the seeds of our world // inspiration / meditation / it's a magic journey to your self // incarnation / destination / it's a mystery of time and space

Heartbreakers (Thema - wir selber): Balkan Express in the air / let‘s mix your sound / loops from Bulgaria or Rumania turned around / Greece stands for longing / and Turkey adds oriental touches / soul from the Ghettoes sounds profound // we are your favourite boy group / playing music full of joy / friends forever / never-ending everlasting heartbreakers / here we are

Imar Aven (Thema - Alkoholsoldaten): 'cause I'm a soldier of general Bourbaki / I need no love or culture I just need raki // never drink espresso in a bistro / never want caresses from no miss / never drink no alcopops in discos / never long for no topmodel's kiss / never drink Rivella in Zermatt / never dream of Cinderella's hut / never drink no guiness in a pub / never meet no princess in a club / never drink champagne in a Corvette / never sing in rain for a brunette / never drink Martini in a pool / never rub no genie in a school / never drink Chianti in a chill out / never take no antiageing pill // I'm a soldier of Bourbaki need no culture (no lover) just need Raki

Inox (Thema - Heiratsanzeigen): strong handsome trucker main interest soccer / true peaceful prince is seeking open hearted princess / Thessaloniki cowboy king of the highway / ready to meet his queen tonight in the moonlight // good looking mistress main interest fitness / true peaceful princess seeking open hearted prince / Thessaloniki call girl queen of the whirlpool / ready to meet her king tonight in the moonlight

Jerusalem (Thema - Nahostkonflikt): Jerusalem desired by Christians / Jerusalem acclaimed by Jews / Jerusalem adored by Muslims / her name betrayed smirched and abused // no more text about al Aqsa / no more poem about the dome / no single line about mount Zion / until we stop the bloody plot

Kaliopi (Thema - Musenkuss): staring at a white sheet / pencil movement off-beat / got to write some lyrics / need my muse’s gimmicks // a word unheard Kaliopi / a verse diverse Kaliopi / a breeze from Greece Kaliopi / a kiss o miss Kaliopi // all I want Kaliopi / all I need Kaliopi / searching for Kaliopi / longing for Kaliopi // all I want Kaliopi / all I need Kaliopi / kiss me quick Kaliopi / kiss me please Kaliopi

Keremejli (Thema - westeuropäische Kulturalternativen): Hanibal and the elephants / too bad they didn't conquer Zurich and the alps / Attila's horseback huns in Rome / our hope unfortunately shattered by a pope / Charles the hammer what a shame / drove Abd er-Rahman's arab army back to Spain / cannonballs shelling Vienna's walls / but Turkish pashas lost the battle we recall // oriental way of life / four occasions messed up / oriental paradise / redlined in the west / thank you for trying Hanibal Attila Abd er-Rahman and Ibrahim pasha / shame on Cornelius pope Leo the first on Charles martellus and the house of Habsburg // oriental way of life / oriental paradise

Kinise (Thema - Sphärenmusik): there's a world of sound around me / I open my heart I can hear it / there's a melody inside me / it's echo vibrates in every thought word and deed // music from the Sun the Moon and the stars / harmonies composed by Venus and Mars / I can hear the mountains rivers and seas / I conduct a choir of roses and trees

Lockdown (Thema - Clubs zu, Discos zu): try to remember fog flashlight thunder / paradise remix for 1000 jam-packed poor hearts beating / what did it feel like twirling and jiving / hum of lust electrified by bumping touching holding // born to be kissed in the dark // heat on the dance floor faces of lovers / kiss the deepest secrets in a friend's ecstatic body / sweat off and yell out pulse of the dark side / touch volcanic crevices of metamorphosed strangers // born to be kissed in the dark

Lullaby (Thema - Wünsche): a computer and a scooter / flat screen telly royal jelly / reputation admiration / lullaby for a wish // a new robot and the jackpot / escort service eco furnace / tax deduction liposuction / lullaby for a wish // when our desires are fulfilled we believe / finally peace we achieve / but our desires will increase by tonight / grow to a million (billion) megabyte

Mektup (Thema - Matrix und String-Theorie): space is but an illusion made up by our mind / matter nuclear fusion emptiness combined // string vibration and music that's the only truth / magnetism and mouse clicks just a kind of blues // freely floating planets and moons programmed by cosmic love / well dressed women playing bassoon they are the general staff // string vibration and music that's the only truth / gravitation and joysticks just a kind of blues // follow the matrix track meet the men in black

Misirlou (Thema - Abenteuer auf Kreuzfahrten für Frühpensionierte): early retirement yeah let‘s go on a cruise / basic requirement tramp stamp Popeye tattoos / rock me Titanic evoke captain Haddock‘s curse / no panic mechanic icebergs are far dispersed // Bermuda triangle northwest passage cape Horn / the rudder sea-tangled Neptune‘s scalp ragged and torn / escorted by dolphins shark-fins and whales we sail / Somalian pirates plague-rats and rum line the trail

Mokkananda (Thema - Glückseligkeit beim Kaffeetrinken): Mokkananda - smell the fragrance of roast beans / Mokkananda - hear the pressure of the steam / Mokkananda - see the colour how unique / Mokkananda - feel the cup how warm and sleek // coffee makes the spoon go round / what a lovely sound / coffee wakes the dead alive / daily dose take five

Nebish Freilach (Thema - Mut zum Tanzen): dance, dance, dance, enjoy your body / let your shoes find the rhythm of the groove / down and up life is a dance / listen to the music this is your chance // senseless useless a waste of time / don‘t be silly don‘t be shy why don‘t you try / down and up life is a dance / listen to the music this is (was) your chance

Nevermore (Thema - Rabenbesuch): sorrows are burning my bosom’s core / doubts of whither’s my lost Lenore / can’t forget her oh I implore / will I ever feel what I felt before // do I hear her name from the nightly shore / someone knocks at my chamber door / ‘tis glad tidings of sweet Lenore / no – just a raven a bird of yore // what’s thy name oh bird of lore / quoth the raven nevermore / shall I clasp my lost Lenore / quoth the raven nevermore / take thy beak from off my heart / quoth the raven nevermore / leave my loneliness and part / quoth the raven nevermore // perched like a statue above the door / casting shadows upon the floor / stirring memories of fair Lenore / Edgar Allan’s raven for evermore

Orexi (Thema - Fleischeslust): I think of spicy rice with mutton eyes / please give me wild geese peas and cottage cheese / a shake of cornflakes steaks and chocolate cakes / I‘m in a good mood if I get a soup // I take some T-rex‘ eggs with chicken legs / my hope a coke some roast goat on a toast / some dips of pigs‘ ribs chips and venus‘ figs / I‘m in a good mood if I get a fruit // I want cevapcici souvlakia siskebap / or else I gonna shout out loud / cevapcici souvlakia siskebap / I need to eat some meat

Orim (Thema - schlechte Nachrichten): breakfast with my family / listening to some trendy sound in radio / nine o‘clock calamity / here we are the news in FM stereo // an airplane crashed / some bombs explode / twenty million refugees around the world / a baby drowned / some schoolgirls raped / sunny weather soccer scores and stock exchange // why is my peace disturbed by news / do I have to listen can I choose / how can I help the hungry children / the mothers of the soldiers killed // waiting for good news / filtering abuse / hoping our compassion helps the victims of the flood / watch the tele less / unsubscribe the press / trying not to miss the day without a stain of blood

Pajdushko (Thema - Mauerbau-Mauerfall): Berlin 1989 a triumph of Trabant car design / but peacelines hinder Belfast Catholics to play with Protestant Belfast kids / hear me call knock down the wall / I miss you brother I'm alone // Ishmael and Israel a 700 kilometres concrete jail / European razorwire in Morocco shields from African culture shock - o / hear me call pull down the wall / I miss you sister I'm alone // soon we stroll up Ledra street where greek and turkish coffee is sweet / what is possible in Nicosia why can't they do it in Korea / hear me call knock down the wall / I miss you brother I'm alone // even in the land of total liberty an endless tortilla fence stops poverty / are we afraid to meet our neighbours just because of different identity papers / hear me call pull down the wall / I miss you sister I'm alone

Picnic (Thema - Kinderkriegen ist nicht nur Zuckerschlecken): married life is not a bed of roses / ebb and flow will show you cons and pros / love is not a piece of cake which means / making love can cause pubescent teens // read the instructions before you have sex / check up on risks and side effects - read the leaflet / take up the challenge but do not forget / contact your therapist or vet

Pushka Berdanka (Thema - Landleben oder Mega-City): fleecy flocks adorn the hills and valleys smile with corn with wavy corn / quiet rivers drive the mill wheels fish are jumping high where I was born // in Sodom techno beats strike drugged up teenie girls / knifers kick their heels in packs 'round black cars / Sin City's bankers vie with mafia launderers who can plunder Freddie Mac // thatched hobbit cottages indwelt by peaceful folk and country talk / the sun shines warm upon my face the grass I walk is green I love the scene // whereas Gomorrah's suicide fanatics sow seeds of terrifying fear blood and tears / Sin City's industries and nuclear power plants poison water food and air

Quark (Thema - Chaostheorie, Mikrokosmos-Makrokosmos): boomerang - when a dolphin dives / boomerang - when the post arrives / boomerang boomerang - see how a star is born // roundabout - a cherry blossom drops / roundabout - a Maserati stops / roundabout roundabout - see how a day is born // shooting star - a raindrop gently falls / shooting star - Tatjana‘s mother calls / shooting star shooting star - see how a wish is born // paradise - when I paint my shoes / paradise - when I smile at you / paradise paradise - see how a child is born // hooligan - an icy blizzard blows / hooligan - a baker shapes a loaf / hooligan hooligan - see how a dream is born // candlelight - when you think of me / candlelight - when you disagree / candlelight candlelight - see how a song is born

Retenish (Thema - Morgenstern): Palmstroem old an aimless rover / walking in the wrong direction / at a busy intersection / is run over (by a car) / how he says his life restoring / and with pluck his death ignoring / can an accident like this / ever happen what's amiss // did the state administration / fail in motor transportation / did police ignore the need / for reducing driving speed / isn't there a prohibition / barring motorized transmission / of the living to the dead / was the driver right who sped // tightly swathed in dampened tissues / he explores the legal issues / and it soon is clear as air / cars were not permitted there / and he comes to the conclusion / his mishap was an illusion / for he reasons pointedly / that which must not cannot be

Robotnik (Thema - Workaholics): leave me alone I am working / tell them we won‘t come tonight / sorry I‘m gone for a meeting / no sex my love I am tired / maybe we go out tomorrow / can‘t you see I have to do // no fun no pleasure no beauty / no one could help me don‘t try / please understand it‘s my duty / heroes of work never die // heroes of work heroes of work heroes of work never die / or they commit or they commit suicide

Shqipedonski (Thema - Lindberghs Transatlantikflug): let's slip the bonds of ground / dance the sky on silver wings / climb to the sun-split clouds / fling the craft through halls of wind // up to the silence / swinging with easy grace / sense how the dark blue blends / with sanctity of space // high in the silence / exposed to the void's embrace / put out my grateful hands / to touch His holy face

Sifflet (Thema - verwirrende Diätenvielfalt): my lovey says I need a diet / this notion causes deep disquiet / I've fattened up I must acknowledge / but that's no reason to horn in on my way of stuffing my paunch // she might be right I yield and try it / low fat low carb low protein diet / got no degree from health food college / shall I do flat belly's Atkins or macrobiotics for lunch // vitamin A vitamin B vitamin C vitamin D / eat what you love love what you eat / proteins and fats carbohydrates

Skopje City (Thema - romantischer Tanz): dancing romancing your head on my shoulder / night could be cold but I hold you tight / dancing romancing music around us / sweet love had found us on that breathtaking night // dance with me dance like we did that evening / when we were together in the April rain / music was playing poor heart was beating / looking at each other hoping you would stay // when I asked you for a dance you gave me a charming smile / it took me a little while to understand

Sonaradikos (Thema - Sklave der Liebe oder Freiheit): you are free when you look at the sun / you are free when you look at the stars / you are free when the sun and the moon and the stars / they are falling down from above // you are even free when you’re dead, dead and gone / and you close your eyes forever / but I tell you one thing / you're never ever free / because you’re a prisoner of your love

Souika (Thema - Sommerhitze, Plattitüden): a sleepless night in the summer heat / delirious thoughts in my head / the blood moon argues with planet earth / hey mom, get out of my sun // the earth sings thy will be done my son / we are the change that we seek / the moon claims actions speak louder than words / just let this shade pass from me

Tel Sari (Thema - Friede im Tierreich und in der bösen Welt): may there be peace on earth / peace in our heart let's agree / may there be peace on earth / let it begin with me // cats kissing the dogs / hens play with a fox / a crocodile would smile / sharks chilling at ease / bears dance with bees / a horse and rattlesnake would chat // may there be peace on earth / peace in our heart let's agree / may there be peace on earth / let it begin with me // swords forged into ploughs / war lords hold pow-wows / say nukes and tanks no thanks / clan bosses step down / crooks morph to clowns / a Serb and Bosniac would chat

Thalassa (Thema - Shakespeare über Musik): (in Klammern jeweils das passende Shakespeare-Stück) Shakespeare shake my hand / make me forget my junk food gaming river rafting thrill adrenaline / Shakespeare be my friend / let's shake quotation cocktails made of poetry distilled // lover's grief has gone I'm lovelorn but it's fun / if music be the food of love play on (twelfth night) / wanna trim and slim move every single limb / now music sound and sing your solemn hymn (much ado about nothing) // dance provokes no harm bans heartsickness alarm / 'tis good though music oft hath such a charm (measure for measure) / give me more champagne I have to feel the pain / to know the cause why music was ordain'd (taming of the shrew) // still I feel not free keep loving cute Marie / if music and sweet poetry agree (poetry - Dowland and Spenser) / can I reach her spheres which utterance appears / like softest music to attending ears (Romeo and Juliet) // cool men talk of sex but often one forgets / loud music is too harsh for ladies' heads (Pericles) / when I speak hard core Marie says I'm no whore / this music mads me let it sound no more (Richard II)

Time Machine (Thema - Zeitreisen): doctor Julia Rolex and professor Joy Calypso disappeared / neighbours friends and time detectives cannot find a trace of them how weird / meanwhile in the ice age Joy and Julia hunt a mammoth with a spear / instantly they taste the blood of Caesar at the end of his career / quickly the two travellers type mayday help we lost control of date / curled up in the fifth dimension time computers find a golden gate / 1999 ok but aliens from Polaris coming near / come on joy let‘s flee into a parallel reality oh dear / finally an unexpected wormhole crosses our celestial sphere / doctor Julia Rolex and professor Joy Calypso reappear

Ukrainski (Thema - Unmögliches und Ungedachtes): does anyone know the dreams of the snow / has anybody seen the tangerine queen // can anyone tell the thoughts of a shell / will anybody find an untroubled mind // does anyone dare to circle a square / can anybody buy a star in the sky // no no / no one can tell

Vallja (Thema - Tanzen im Rhythmus): oh my feet won’t stand still / when I hear the magic tune / when I hear the roaring thunder / of the rhythm in my ear // pumping bass and stomping drums / strike my ears like raging bulls / even sweetest melodies / cannot cannot soothe my pulse // still my feet won’t stand still / when I hear the magic tune / can’t control the eruption / of emotion in my soul

Vampy Voice (Thema - Songcontest): battling for the voice of Bulgaria / she sings louder than the bagpipes (a nightingale) / drives the mentor-judges to hysteria / far beyond a stereotype shemale // screaming off her head for Bulgaria / she comes like a thunderbolt (unforeseen) / energy and show meet all criteria / love this nine day's wonder drag queen // singing of her love for Bulgaria / she extols the Balkan mountains (corny kitsch) / with her vampy voice half punk half opera / she decries her land in high pitch // dressed up for the throne of Bulgaria / she slides like a ballerina (a dying swan) / flirting with the audience and camera / she deserves the trophy - keep on

Why Not (Thema - Schüchternheit): shall I talk to her - why not / I'm sure she doesn't care - why not / or offer her some booze - why not / who knows she might refuse - why not / I'm not a playboy don't know what to say / just you try // her red lips smile at me - why not / no no that's just a dream - why not / my heart is beating loud - why not / perhaps she's very proud - why not / please help me what would Casanova say / don't be shy

Xenogamy (thema - Biographie): what if I lived in America / and what if I loved Mary Anne / what if my party were communist / and what if I were a priest // if I adored a line of coke / or if I was born deaf and blind / what if they cloned me in Futureworld / and what if I were a girl // a different biography won‘t change your history / freedom’s just a choice let‘s pick a card / a different chronology won‘t change your destiny / life is just a game let‘s play a part

Xmas Blues (Thema - Wirtschaftskrise): I‘m no money king to buy a diamond ring / got no bank account to invite you out / got no cash in hand for our wedding band / nil on asset-side for my jet set bride // got no credit card no red rose sweetheart / empty treasure house no Armani blouse / got no sponsorship no vacation trip / got no banker‘s draft got no Xmas gift my love // money kicks the world around / Dollar Euro British pound / they are the three kings of the west / stressed depressed and dispossessed // that‘s why good Chinese will buy our bad virtual debts / (how complex) using traveller‘s cheques / with virtual funds swapped for virtual bonds / they embark on amusement parks

Zlatna Sredina (Thema - Roadies und Groupies): Harry is the roadie he carries all the load for us / Judy is the groupie she cooks the food and cleans the bus // who‘s working in the hall / it‘s Harry the roadie / who‘s shopping in the mall / it‘s Judy the groupie / tell me who will get the booze / who will paint the shoes / he who checks the sound / she who hangs around / tell me who installs the light / who recalls last night

Zombie (Thema - vom Smartphone abgelenkte Zeitgenossen im öffentlichen Raum): me and my iPhone selfie stick and click / I’m homo digitalis model lunatic / let’s chat on facebook twitter what’s app on youtube flickr / ring up my boy friend tell him I’m just round the bend / comment retweet like weblogs post pics check in-box / homo digitalis follows hashtags friends and trends // zombie – zombie / blind across the road – zombie download mode / headphones on and mike – zombie businesslike / typing SMS – zombie loneliness // unsocial media ask wikipedia / updating googling sexting skyping second life / let’s chat on facebook twitter what’s app on youtube flickr / ring up my boy friend tell him I’m just round the bend / comment retweet like weblogs post pics check in-box / homo digitalis follows hashtags friends and trends