SIFFLET: my lovey says I need a diet / this notion causes deep disquiet / I‘ve fattened up I must acknowledge / but that‘s no reason to horn in on my way of stuffing my paunch // she might be right I yield and try it / low fat low carb low protein diet / got no degree from health food college / shall I do flat belly‘s Atkins or macrobiotics for lunch // vitamin A vitamin B vitamin C vitamin D / eat what you love / love what you eat / proteins and fats carbohydrates
gefilmt von einem Partygast
als Demo für unser plugged Setting mit Gesang, Gitarre, Bass, Drums, Bläser, Orgel
Gerne spielen wir auch unplugged mit Gesang, akustischer Gitarre, akustischem Bass, Cajón, Bläser und Mini-Orgel.
Fast oder sogar ganz ohne Strom, ohne grosse Technik, unkompliziert, unaufdringlich.
z.B. Apéro, Zeremonie, Vernissage, kleines Gartenfest
GENERAL BOURBAKI: never drink espresso in a bistro / never want caresses from no miss / never drink no alcopops in discos / never long for no topmodel's kiss // never drink rivella in zermatt / never dream of cinderella's hut / never drink no guiness in a pub / never meet no princess in a club // 'cause I am a soldier of bourbaki / need no love or culture just need raki / mon général fédéral / need no love or culture just need raki
VALLJA: Gananama Ganapati Ganesha lambodar sohe / bhujacare eka danta Candra Ma lalata rajai / Brahma Vishnu Mahesha tala de dhurapada gave / ati vicitra Gananatha aja mridanga bajave // oh my feet won’t stand still / when I hear the magic tune / when I hear the roaring thunder / of the rhythm in my ear // pumping bass and stomping drums / strike my ears like raging bulls / even sweetest melodies / cannot cannot soothe my pulse // still my feet won’t stand still / when I hear the magic tune / can’t control the eruption / of emotion in my soul
Mitschnitt des Basler Fernsehens von einem Doppelkonzert Balkan Express und Soulcase.
Balkan Express spielt JERUSALEM: Jerusalem desired by Christians / Jerusalem acclaimed by Jews / Jerusalem adored by Muslims / her name betrayed smirched and abused // no more text about al Aqsa / no more poem about the dome / no single line about mount Zion / until we stop the bloody plot